26 October 2004

Dear Clint,

Just a note to say thank you for the service provided to me by your company
As you are aware I had application in to the Auckland City Council for Code of Compliance on my house. One of the requirements of the applciation being to provide a weather tightness report.
Subsequent to having your probes inserted throughout the dwelling and the analyses of moisture I am pleased to advise you that I have been back to Council and had my Code Compliance Certificate issued.
Obviously there is more to compliance than moisture reports, nit I am sure being able to present the facts made the compliance process easier for council while they carried out their own inspection and investigation.
I would recommend to anyone constructing a new or purchasing an existing dwelling with a monolithic style cladding system to install moisture proves. The information in the report presented will (as in my case) put the owners mind at rest as to the integrity of their home or identifies areas of concern that should or could be addressed.
Once again, thank you for your service.
Kind regards

Steven D B

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