27th March 2012

RE: Mdu PROBE System

Dear Greg,

Some feedback that I am happy for you to use in reference context;

In December 2011 we were approached by a real estate agent with an offer to purchase our property in St Heliers. The purchaser offer was appealing and we accepted. One of the conditions of sale was a satisfactory result from a building inspector. Unfortunately the inspector identified a number of moisture ingress issues with our house and the sale did not progress; but the failed inspection did act as a prompt for us to act in address of identified problems.

Following a subsequent visit by our own building inspector and eight building contractors we were no closer to being able to accurately specify the work that needed to be performed. Each builder talked to us about the “what if” costs that could be incurred when gib and joinery was removed to expose problems as they progressed repairs and each insisted that different work would be required with costs ranging between $25,000 to more than$100,000. It became apparent that we didn’t possess enough information about the condition of the building to define work to be performed, let alone budget for it and direct builders.

In February 2012 we identified the probe investigative system used by Stepup group and within two weeks of confirmation the probes were installed, timber samples had been taken and we were in receipt of a detailed building report that showed us exactly where we had problems and detailed likely cause.

The report has provided us with information that allows us to determine the work that we need to do to remedy problems with our house, and to budget for it reasonably accurately. No more blind meetings with builders.

We have no hesitation recommending Step Up Group probe system to any person in a similar situation to ourselves, the information provided has been invaluable and the service excellent.

John and Carole G

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